Friday, December 16, 2011

Tis The Season to Bitch and Complain

The worst thing to happen to Christmas is Christians.

It's the same thing every year: "I have the right to say Merry Christmas, stop suppressing me!" Do any of you TRULY know what it means to be suppressed? To be unable to celebrate your religion? NO. Because we live in a society where people can have any religious belief they want. Who the hell do you think you are to get butt-hurt over a few words that you can say whenever the fuck you want and tell people to go back to their own country. Does someone have a gun to your head making you say "Happy Holidays"? Is someone going to shoot your head off if you say "Merry Christmas"? Are you in fear for your life to practice your religion? Didn't think so. I suggest you take a trip to North Korea or Saudi Arabia before you continue your bitching and moaning about having your Christian rights suppressed. Seriously, we have it made in Canada.

So they don't have Christmas concerts at schools anymore. Boo hoo. Instead of getting all "Oh woe is me" about it, maybe you be teaching your children that it is acceptable for religions to accept each other. Teaching them to feel privileged because they're Christian will only bring about a new generation of prejudice. Maybe it's changed, but when I was in school we had a Holiday concert each year and I'm pretty sure Hanukkah and Kwanzaa got ONE song each, and the rest of the concert wasn't filled with awkward silence, it was all Christmas songs. And to my recollection NONE of the songs had a religious deity attached. The Jewish song was about a dreidel. Seriously.

Some of you "Christians" seriously need a refresher on what Christmas is about because I think somewhere in the war of words you've forgotten. (Religious, non-commercialized) Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ; whose very nature is one of love. Jesus loves everyone. Christians are taught to act as Jesus did. So do you think Jesus Christ would say half the things we've said to or about other religions in his name? Do you think he would want you to do such things for his sake? Did Jesus fight? Did he think he was better than everyone else? Did he go around forcing others to believe in him? No. He was the calmest, humblest, most accepting man to ever walk this earth! If I were him I would be appalled at the way Christians behave at this time of year. Appalled and downright disappointed.

I'm not one to shove my religion down other people's throats. In fact, nine time out of ten, I hesitate to even call myself a Christian. It's not about denouncing Jesus or God or being ashamed to admit I believe; its because the more I hear Christians talk, the more I realize I have an entirely different set of ideals than they do, and the more disgusted I get with the state Christianity currently is in. I don't know where the sense of entitlement has come from, but as far as I know it's not something Jesus taught...

So in short: Season's Greetings, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Merry Christmakwanzakah. Stop complaining and say whatever the hell you want, you douchebags! ;)

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