Monday, June 20, 2011

Being Fat in Hollywood

I just read an article on the “unconventional” coupling of Melissa McCarthy and John Hamm in an upcoming film. While the “hot guy/fat chick” couple is an amazing development, it made me think: why is this a development? Why hasn’t this happened sooner and why is it such a big deal? Why are overweight girls only cast in certain roles in Hollywood? I mean why can’t a fat chick play a lawyer, teacher, musician, homemaker or really anything? Okay, I’ll give you the “hot girl the main guy lusts over” and supermodel and athletic/physical roles, but for any other role I don’t see weight as something that should affect casting decisions.

When the movie “Precious” came out, critics were quick to say that Gabourey Sidibe would never make it big in Hollywood due to her weight. Howard Stern stated “Everyone’s pretending she’s a part of show business and she’s never going to be in another movie” and “she should have gotten the Best Actress award because she’s never going to have another shot. What movie is she gonna be in?”

Who decided that an overweight woman (or man) is less of an actor because of something as unimportant as weight? Why can’t they be cast in any role a thinner person would be considered for? Sure people love to see gorgeous thin people on movie screens, but I bet a lot of people would still go see a movie with an overweight lead character. Also, it wouldn’t glamorizing being fat! People aren’t going to see a fat actress and think “That’s great, I can go get fat now.” Thin, average, overweight, obese; it shouldn’t matter. It is NOT more of a qualifier than acting talent is! Not casting overweight actresses is weightist, superficial, and just plain not cool.

To top it all off, when an overweight actress DOES get cast as a main character in a movie or TV show, the show usually focuses on weight! Shows like “Huge” and “Mike and Molly” are the main examples that come to mind. Why can’t there be a show with an overweight main, that doesn't focus on their weight? A show based at fat camp or a show where the main characters meet at “Overeaters Anonymous” just seem to poke fun. Why not meet at a bar or have the show take place at normal camp? I’m not saying completely ignore the weight issue, but maybe isolate to a few episodes and some light-hearted self-deprecating joking.

Maybe I am too close to this topic as I was once told by a friend that I could never be a famous singer because I was overweight and he hadn’t even heard me sing! I could be the most amazing singer in the world (not claiming I am though) and I’d never have a chance because I’m fat. People have been turned down from American Idol for just that reason as well. I still don’t get it! Why is weight standing between extremely talented individuals and their success? This needs to change! Everyone has talents that should be realized and every single person is beautiful and worthy of achieving their dreams!  

Here's the article I was inspired byThe Frisky

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